Stormwater Quality team
Committed to Reducing Stormwater Pollution
Stormwater is a leading source of pollution in the Rio Grande. And the pollution is largely human-caused! The Stormwater Team was formed in 2004 to educate individuals and businesses on how to reduce stormwater pollution by keeping trash and other pollution out of our stormwater system. We are dedicated to educating children, adults and businesses on how they can reduce stormwater pollution to keep our river clean.
The Stormwater Team consists of:

City of Albuquerque
City of Albuquerque’s storm drainage system consists of 15 pump stations that convey stormwater runoff from the metropolitan area over levees to the Rio Grande; 720 miles of pipes and culverts; 16,100 storm drain inlets; 33 miles of lined drainage channels; 18 miles of unlined, natural arroyos; 114 drainage ponds; and 11 flood control dams. Click here for more information about the COA’s stormwater system and program.

Albuquerque Metropolitan Arroyo Flood Control Authority
The Albuquerque Metropolitan Arroyo Flood Control Authority (AMAFCA) was created in 1963 by the New Mexico Legislature with specific responsibility for flooding problems in the greater Albuquerque area. AMAFCA’s purpose is to prevent injury or loss of life, and to eliminate or minimize property damage.

Bernalillo County
The mission of Bernalillo County’s Natural Resource Services is to steward Bernalillo County’s natural resources. This includes ensuring compliance with our federal stormwater quality permit, permitting and enforcing well and wastewater ordinances, overseeing the county’s water conservation and utility connection efforts, performing groundwater resources assessment and monitoring, reviewing and inspecting development projects, and participating in water rights proceedings.

Town of Bernalillo
The Town of Bernalillo has grown from a small, active community on the outskirts of Albuquerque, to a bustling town of approximately 8,320. The town stays true to its friendly, small town charm and its sense of family and community. With over 500 years of history serving as its foundation, the Town of Bernalillo strives to maintain economic and cultural vitality.

Ciudad Soil and Water Conservation District
A political subdivision of the state of New Mexico, Ciudad Soil and Water Conservation District promotes the conservation, improvement and responsible use of the natural resources on the rural and urban lands within its boundaries. Ciudad SWCD is directed by state statute to collaborate with both public and private partners to advance knowledge about natural resource protection, including urban impacts on natural resources.

Village of Corrales
Crossing the borders into Corrales is like stepping into a time and place where the stresses of twenty-first century life give way to the grace and pace of another era. The Village is bordered on the east by the Rio Grande, west and north by the City of Rio Rancho, and to the south by the City of Albuquerque. The village has a population of 7,300.

Eastern Sandoval County Arroyo Flood Control Authority (ESCAFCA)
ESCAFCA is a watershed management organization protecting property and development while preserving the natural beauty and rural character of Eastern Sandoval County. ESCAFCA provides an organized process and system for controlling and approving new building/development in Algodones and Bernalillo to ensure it is done responsibly and without causing run-off and increased flooding risks to neighbors, while creating or maintaining walking trails and access to natural habitats.

City of Rio Rancho
Incorporated in 1981, the City of Rio Rancho is New Mexico’s third largest city, with a 2016 estimated population of 94,171. The City’s Public Works Department, Engineering Division is responsible for building and maintaining its stormwater drainage facilities as well monitoring stormwater drainage for construction projects.

Village of Los Ranchos
The Village of Los Ranchos is an incorporated municipality which was formed under the laws of the State of New Mexico on December 29, 1958. The original Los Ranchos town site in 1958 was located between Guadalupe Trail and Rio Grande, north of Chavez, and south of Los Ranchos. The Village has more than tripled in population since 1970. As Los Ranchos does not have a storm drainage system, new and existing construction is required to maintain stormwater on each property and not discharge into streets or other properties. Click here for the stormwater management ordinance.

New Mexico Department of Transportation, District 3
District 3 is located in Central New Mexico and encompasses Bernalillo, Valencia and portions of Sandoval counties. At the heart of the district lie the crossroads of Interstate 25 and 40. Though small in geographical size, District 3 serves a current population in excess of 650,000 and is projected to top a million by the year 2025.

Sandoval County
Sandoval County is one of nation’s most geographically and culturally diverse areas. The county provides a wide range of services, agencies and programs that benefit an estimated population of more than 142,500.

Southern Sandoval County Arroyo Flood Control Authority (SSCAFCA)
The Southern Sandoval County Arroyo Flood Control Authority (SSCAFCA) serves the communities of Rio Rancho, The Village of Corrales, the Town of Bernalillo and Southern Sandoval County, New Mexico. SSCAFCA provides flood and stormwater control.